Feather Bouquet


***Handmade to order, please supply your wedding date upon ordering***
A beautiful bouquet made from feathers. Each 'flower' is made from fluffy goose feathers with a lovely diamante centre. Choose from Silver, Gold or Rosegold diamante embellishments 
The bouquet is finished with a satin collar and matching handle in a colour of your choice. Please note that as this is a made to order item, diamante buttons will vary. 
Like this bouquet but wrong colour scheme? Take a look in my shop for fabric bouquets and alternative colours. I can also recreate bouquets from old dresses for a truly heirloom piece.
Approx sizes
Small 6 inch / 15cm
Medium 8 inch / 21cm
Large 10 inch / 25cm
Extra Large 12 inch / 30cm
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